Sunday, July 5, 2009

What's Cookin' (or Baking) This Week

I'm out of my kitchen this week, so no specific meal plan to post today. I've decided to spend the week in Indiana visiting family. If you're interested in looking at some of my previous meal plans while I'm on my little hometown holiday, you can click on Meal Planning under the "more great recipes" section in my right-hand sidebar and meal plans complete with grocery lists for the past 33 weeks will be right at your fingertips. Soon, I'll have have an icon for Meal Plans to select over there. I promise!

While I'm not writing about dinner this week, here are some recipes to look forward to as I post from my parent's home.

Rhubarb Cream Pie

How to "Dress Up" Freezer Waffles

Spiced Bacon Twists

One Egg Blueberry Cake

Guess I'm in the mood for breakfast. And FAIR FOOD! It's County Fair week in my hometown, so I'll definitely be taking advantage of the rows of tempting, greasy, sugary foods. Ah, gyros and blooming onions, egg rolls and elephant ears, Italian sausage with onions and cotton candy....

Do you like carnival food or am I the only one with a weakness here? What's your favorite indulgence at the county fair or local festival?


  1. Well, besides the usual stuff we have down here (shrimp & fish plates, crab stuffed potatoes, crawfish) when the Slavonian ladies have a booth, it's pusharatas - these little Croatian donut-like fried pastries, YUMYUM!! But, honestly, I'm like you ... I just love fair food - foot long corn dogs, funnel cakes, smoked turkey legs, Italian sausage rolls, soft pretzels, caramel corn, candy apples, steak on a stick... I literally could make myself sick!!

  2. I love Elephant Ears and corndogs and curly fries.

  3. love your idea to meal plan i like candy floss!

  4. Oh...I forgot about corndogs! Mmm.

    Mary, I think that I need to come to a fair in your neck of the woods!

    Rebecca, what's candy floss? Is that like taffy?

  5. I did not realize that gyros were 'fair food' in other parts of the country; here a gyros is dinner! What a hoot!

  6. Hmm, one of those awesome milkshakes from outside of the dairy barn sounds pretty incredible right now.... and Scott has been craving a corndog from the stand across from Burket's.... :)

  7. I have a weakness for the hot candied pecans.

  8. Hope your having a fabulous week! I love carnival food! It's a good excuse to indulge! I especially like the sweets like funnel cake and deep fried oreos.
